Introduction to My Tech Stack

Introduction to My Tech Stack

Not so typical linked in tech stack intro... don't worry :)


Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! Welcome to my blog, where I'll be sharing my experiences and insights into the world of technology. In this first post, I want to introduce myself and provide you with an overview of my tech stack – the set of tools and technologies that I work with on a regular basis.

About me

I'm a tech enthusiast umm more like into new techs basically based in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Since my journey began for quite a long now, I've been on a quest to explore and master a diverse range of technologies. While I'm still figuring out what's right for me, I'm excited to share my learnings and experiences with you through this blog.

Why this tech stack?

You might be wondering why I've chosen the particular technologies that make up my tech stack. The truth is, each one plays a unique role in helping me bring my ideas to life and achieve my career goals. Here's a brief overview of each technology and why I find it valuable:

  1. AWS and Azure: As cloud computing continues to revolutionize the way we build and deploy applications, I've embraced both AWS and Azure to leverage their vast array of services and resources.

  2. DevOps: I believe in the power of automation and collaboration to streamline the software development lifecycle. That's why I've invested time in mastering DevOps practices and tools to enhance productivity and efficiency.

  3. React Native: With the growing demand for mobile apps, React Native has become my go-to framework for building cross-platform applications that deliver a native-like experience.

  4. Node.js and JavaScript: From server-side development to building interactive web interfaces, Node.js and JavaScript have become indispensable tools in my toolkit for their versatility and performance.

  5. Java and Spring Boot: For enterprise-level applications and services, I rely on Java and Spring Boot to provide robustness, scalability, and maintainability.

As we know nothing's permanent here in the dev world this is just a go to tech stack if you are wondering which tech stack is good for industries!!!!!

We might explore some new and intresting as we move ahead, until then this is what we gonna stick with :)

What to Expect

Through this series which I hope I shall complete, I aim to share tutorials, tips, and insights that will help you navigate and master these technologies. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer seeking to deepen your understanding, there will be something here for everyone.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to exploring the exciting world of technology together!